Meet Lyra Vega

Lyra Vega


I’m Lyra Vega, Astrologist in residence at, where I get to share my cosmic insights with you! A little about me: I have a Taurus Sun, an Aries Moon, and a Gemini Rising—a combination that means I’m equal parts grounded, fiery, and curious.

Why I Love Astrology

Astrology has always been a guiding light in my life. When I was younger, I was the classic Taurus—steady, reliable, and, let’s be honest, a bit stubborn! I liked things to be just so and resisted change like it was an unexpected plot twist in a cozy romance novel. But when I discovered astrology, it opened up a whole new world for me. Suddenly, life made more sense—like I had a cosmic cheat sheet to help navigate the ups and downs.

Astrology helped me understand not only myself but also the people around me. It’s like unlocking a secret language that explains why your best friend is always running late (looking at you, Gemini Sun) or why your partner takes forever to make a decision (yup, that’s Libra energy!). It’s given me the tools to approach relationships with more compassion, patience, and even a little humor.

How Astrology Has Helped Me

For me, my Aries Moon has been a wild ride. Emotionally, I can go from zero to 100 real quick. I used to think, "Why am I always jumping into things headfirst?" Now, I realize it’s just my moon placement calling the shots! Understanding this has given me the freedom to embrace my impulsive side but also find ways to ground myself when things get a little too heated.

And my Gemini Rising? Well, let's just say I love to talk. (Seriously, catch me at any social event, and I'll be chatting with strangers like we’ve been friends for years.) My rising sign brings a playful curiosity to everything I do. I’m always asking questions, diving into new topics, and yes, getting excited about the latest astrological transits.

Astrology has helped me accept all these different sides of myself. Instead of feeling like I need to "fix" something, I’ve learned to celebrate the unique blend of energies that make me... well, me!

My Mission: Sharing Astrology with You

I’m passionate about astrology because it’s not just about the stars—it’s about you. It’s about helping you see that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, with all your quirks, strengths, and challenges. Whether you’re navigating a relationship, a career change, or just trying to figure out why Mercury retrograde keeps messing with your plans, astrology is like having a cosmic roadmap to help guide you.

My goal is to make astrology easy to understand, relatable, and fun. I want to share the insights I’ve gained over the years so you can use astrology to enrich your life, too. Plus, who doesn’t love a little stargazing with a side of self-discovery?

Fun Fact: I’m a sucker for a cozy night in (hello, Taurus Sun!) but you’ll also catch me signing up for spontaneous adventures thanks to my Aries Moon. It’s all about balance, right?

Thanks for joining me on this journey! I can’t wait to explore the stars with you and help you discover more about yourself along the way. Let’s dive deep, have fun, and maybe learn a thing or two from the cosmos. 🌟